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Parent Teacher Student Organization Banner with Orchard Heights PTSO logo on torn gray paper background.

Orchard Heights PTSO Officers 2024-25 School Year

Pamela Reid

Vice President:
Elijah Allensworth

Terri Szostek

Vanessa Dickson

Orchard Heights PTSO Members 2024-25

Volunteer Coordinator: Andrea Vincent
Social Media Coordinator: Kaitlyn Horton
Member at Large: Sheena Harms
Staff Liaison: Peggy Ray

Welcome to Orchard Heights PTSO!

At Orchard Heights, we believe in the power of community. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or student, you’re already a part of our vibrant PTSO family—no dues required!

What We Do

The Orchard Heights PTSO is here to make school life awesome for our students and staff. From funding field trips and fulfilling classroom wishes to hosting book fairs and organizing free, fun events for the whole school, we're all about supporting our Orchard Heights community.

How You Can Help

Our PTSO runs on volunteer power, and we need you to keep the magic happening! Joining is easy—just fill out a background check form and drop it by the main office to get started.

We Get It—Life is Busy!

We know your time is precious, and the thought of volunteering might seem overwhelming. But remember, your involvement, no matter how big or small, makes a huge difference. By volunteering, you’re showing our students the importance of school and community. You’re their role model and advocate!

So, jump in when you can—the children need you!

Contact Us!