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Orchard Heights Aerial Shot

We are dedicated to building a strong community of students, parents, and staff where children are successful in a safe and supportive learning environment.

We are proud of our students and the success they have academically, socially , and in other areas. We will continue to improve because of the dedication, hard work and effort our staff, families, and student put forth throughout the year.

three students with Orchard Heights school sign
Orchard Heights Veterans Day Assembly
Register For Kindergarten Today!

2024-2025 School Hours

School begins at 9:05 am and dismissal is 3:40 pm. Late Start Wednesday begins September 11 with 9:50 am start time.


Our students and staff will be problem solvers, critical thinkers, innovators, and effective communicators.

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Orchard Heights class


Wellness & Family Resources

Visit the DOH Safety Study Hall website, a place for schools, students, and families to learn about safety topics. 

student painting a pine cone


We will create and maintain safe learning and working environments that promote academic excellence, wellness, and efficient use of resources.


Our district will be fiscally responsible and use resources effectively and equitably. We will maintain fiscal stability, maximize efficiency of district operations, and align resources to support dynamic teaching and learning.


Strong schools build strong communities and strong communities build strong schools. Learn how you can help.

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24-25 School Year

The last day of school is June 17. The 2024-2025 school year starts on August 27.

graphic logo Orchard Heights shark
five young students at desks

AVID at Orchard Heights

Nurturing Growth, Inspiring Achievement, Building Community

Nurturing Growth, Inspiring Achievement, Building Community

SKSD Vision

Believe You Can And You're Half Way There.

Believe you can and you're half way there.

Theodore Roosevelt

For There Is Always Light

For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it, if only we're brave enough to be it.

Amanda Gorman

Our Highlights

Stay informed about Orchard Heights news and events

Please use the calendar feed to view upcoming Orchard Heights events. The news stories below show celebrations, resources, and information to keep you connected.

Go Sharks!