Attendance Info
Regular attendance is vital to the quality of a child’s education. Parents are the key in establishing and maintaining punctual, regular attendance habits. Each school has specific attendance policies listed in student handbooks; parents are encouraged to review these policies with their students.
If a child is kept home due to illness, the child’s school should be notified as soon as possible. School personnel will try to contact parents if this has not been done.
Absences: In accordance with the “No Child Left Behind” law, all schools are required to track student absences. A phone call from a parent the morning of the absence is the best way for the school to excuse an absence.
Please call the office at 360-443-3530, before 10:00 a.m. if your student will be absent.
Physicians advise that a child be fever-free 24 hours before resuming normal activity. Parents/guardians must provide a written explanation/excuse for a student to take to school the day he/she returns from an absence. Parents may request that their child’s teacher(s) provide makeup assignments to prevent the child from falling behind the rest of the class.
As a safety precaution, students are not allowed to leave the school campus during school hours without clearance from the school principal/designee.