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Student Dress Code

To ensure that student dress and grooming does not interfere with the learning environment at Orchard Heights Elementary, we appreciate your support in helping us by following the dress code below:

  1. Hats, hoods, scarves, bandanas, or sweatbands may not be worn inside the school building.
  2. Open toed shoes, flip-flops, high heeled, platform, or shoes without a heel or heel strap may not be worn. (This is a safety issue.)
  3. Shirts with inappropriate messages, i.e. alcohol, tobacco, drugs, violence or sexual in nature are not allowed.
  4. Bare midriff shirts and blouses are not to be worn.
  5. Tank tops may be worn under or over another shirt.
  6. Spaghetti strapped blouses and dresses may be worn under or over a shirt.
  7. Shorts and skirt length must be no shorter than where the fingertips reach from an extended arm.
  8. Pants must be worn up around the waist. Saggy pants displaying a low crotch are not allowed.
  9. Hair color other than a natural hair color will not be allowed.

School will notify parents if a child arrives with inappropriate dress. In some cases parents will be asked to bring appropriate dress to school that day for the child to remain in school.